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Dream Big

There will always be nay-sayers to your dreams, but don't worry about them. Your biggest enemy to your dreams is.....YOU. Our subconscious mind is disrupted by the idea of change and will begin to try to sabotage our efforts to move towards that ideal life.

So we must reprogram our minds. This is done by rooting out all hinderances and mind-blocking habits, behaviors and self-limiting beliefs. So let's get started!

Now, it is important to note that your subconscious mind greatly responds to a triple play, meaning you must attack:

1) visual

2) thinking/verbal

3) emotions

Step 1

So first things first, you must figure out what you really want in life.

Idealize your perfect life. Imagine there are no obstacles to your career, relationships, finances, business, ministry, opportunities. What is your great purpose for being on planet earth, your contribution? Remember there is only ONE you and ONLY you can do what you were put on this earth to do!

When you write things down they become more real in your brain. They are reinforced, they are tangible now on that piece of a paper. So write down your life dreams, goals and ambitions. DREAM BIG! Think BIG! What is the GREATEST thing/s you want to accomplish in your life?

Writing these dreams and goals on paper is essential. The top successful 2% of the population always puts their dreams and goals on paper. Now say them, look at them, think about them daily. Post them on your wall, on your phone, anywhere and everywhere that will remind you of the life you desire.

Another very powerful tool is making a vision board. A vision board is simply where you find pictures that represent the life you are trying to move towards (career, family, home, ministry, finances, health, fitness, relationships, etc.) and post them on some sort of board (paper, poster board, quark board). When you make a vision board and post it where you can daily see it, these images become more and more real to you. Day after day, your brain sees them, becomes familiar with them and then begins to accept these images. Daily as you look on these images, they remind you of your goals. They become motivation for change. You begin to see yourself in these pictures, in these places and situations. They begin to come alive.

Step 2

You MUST attack the mind, the thoughts, the verbal. You do this by replacing conscious negative thoughts with positive thoughts. For example, the common thought or comment about our selves of "I'm fat," can easily be replaced with, "Everyday I am becoming healthier and thinner. I am choosing healthy foods and exercising."

Think of your top 10 negative thoughts about yourself and now WRITE down their positive alternatives. Post them on the wall where you will see them. Whenever the negative thought comes; immediately, say "NO," and quote the positive thought. Negative thoughts are like weeds, they must be uprooted, not just plucked. With consistency you will uproot those bad thinking habits or as I like to call it, "stinkin thinkin.' Put a conscious end to them sabotaging your efforts to move forward.

Step 3

Now finally, you must involved your emotions, your feelings. So close your eyes and do a visualization exercise and see yourself in your future... in your dream home, business, ministry, body, relationships. FEEL what it is like to be in your ideal future. Are you happy, content, peaceful, thankful? Take a deep breath and take in these positive feelings. Let them become a part of who you are now. Continue to remember these great feeling as they will motivate you to move forward.

In essence, you must "trick" your mind to believe the future is NOW. And your mind will actually begin to accept this dream future as a true possibility; you will begin to find yourself doing things to move yourself forward to obtain these goals and dreams. The mind blocking obstacles will gradually be removed and be replaced with positive thinking, positive images and positive feelings that will motivate you to take steps towards these goals. You will feel your future being drawn towards you as you attract what you think about and begin to move towards.

You now will have established a new belief system. An unshakable belief in your heart that says, "I can and I will!"


As a coaching client, you will receive exercises like this to overcome hindrances to obtaining your dreams and goals. If this interests you, contact me for a free consulation.

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